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Top 10 Scary Astronaut Stories

Top 10 Scary Astronaut Stories

Today, we share real accounts of people who have been to space - the scary things they experience, the unexplained sightings, and the memories that haunted them for years after. 

10.  The Knocking - In 2003, Yang lee become the first Chinese person in space. It was a horrific occasion, but it also becomes famous for a creepy occurrence. In 2016, Yang told in an interview that he heard someone knocking on the outside of the spaceship on that trip, he described it as sounding like a wooden hammer hitting on the iron bucket. He tried to peek out of the porthole but he couldn't see anything outside. When he got back to earth, Yang described the sound to expert, he even tried to recreate it for them - but nobody could identify it.
In the year since, many people have tried to explain this strange phenomenon. some say that it could have been some space debris but some others say that this is unlikely as space debris is few and far between. 
Other claimed that it could be the expanding and contracting of the shit due to the changing temperature of the spaceship has it orbited the Earth even though thats the leading theory, many people have their own theories about aliens or time traveler being responsible for the mysterious knocking sound.

9. Alien sound-  In 1969, American astronauts Tom Stafford, gene Cernan and John Young went to the far side of the moon for the Apollo 10 mission. It was going to be the final test before Apollo 11 took 3 humans to talk on the surface of the moon for the first time. When Apollo 10 astronauts were orbiting around the moon, they took photographs of its surface as they were working away, they began to hear music-specifically, they heard a strange whistling sound nearly that lasted an hour, when it faded away, commander Cernan said- Boy, that sure is weird music. We are going to have to find out about that Pilot Young replied - Nobody would believe us and for the most part - they were right.

Many people couldn't explain the sound they claimed to have heard and so they didn't believe it. The leading theory is that the sound comes from the radio interference between spacecraft. some people have dismissed that thought and have insisted that the astronauts would have the difference between radio interference and their spacey music.

8. Snakes in Space - In 1994, Dr Story Musgrave did an interview where he described his carrier as an astronaut and one particular time which shocks him to this today. He said on two of my missions, and  I still don't have an answer, I have seen a snake out there 7 or 8 feet long. 

It is rubbery because it has internal waves in it, and it follows you for a rather long period of time. The more you fly in space the more you see an incredible amount of things out there, and that sort of things brings to you, really, a certainty that other living creatures are out there - usually an account like this would be dismissed but Musgrave is  a Doctor, He has six academic degrees, is a trained  mathematician he was in the marine corps and was a NASA  astronaut. 

He seems like a credible witness. He believes there are advanced creatures existing in space itself and that he has been tried to communicate with them in the hopes that they come down and get him.

7.  Docking - In 1995, Famous Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield had his first space flight, His job was to relay the speed and range information to the pilot as they were docking into the Russian Mir space station. His job was to relay information to the pilot any mistakes could have been a disaster. 

Too soft and they would have bounced off, too hard and they would have broken the space-station in half, killing three people on board. Everything was going smoothly but then, one of the seniors stated telling them that they were 32 feet away, the other said 20 ft which were correct. If they didn't solve the problem in 30 seconds it was over for them.

Hadfield had to calculate how far they were away, timing it with his stopwatch to decide when they should fire their thrusters. Luckily they ended up being spot on and docked almost perfectly. It took a few minutes before the astronauts began to realize they had done it- they had avoided a space disaster. and they had lived to tell the tale.

6. Impossible-  On May 5- 1981, Russian cosmonaut Vladimir Kovalyonok looked out of his porthole on the Salyut orbital space station. He then saw something which seemed inexplicable to him, when he returned to Earth, He told the world at the confrence what he saw.

He said - Many cosmonauts have seen a phenomenon which are far beyond the experience of the earthmen for 10 years i never spoke on such things. The encounter you ask me about happened on May 5,1981 at about 6pm, during the Salyut Mission. At that time we were over the sea of South Africa, moving towards the area of the Indian Ocean. I just made some gymnastic exercises, when I saw in front of me, through a porthole an object which I could not explain 

I saw this object and then something happened that I  could not explain, something impossible according to the laws of physics. The object has the shape, elliptical, flew with us. From a frontal view, it looked like it would rotate in flight direction.

It only a few straight, but then a kind of explosion happened, very beautiful to watch, of golden light.
That was the first part then one or two seconds later, a second explosion followed somewhere else and two spheres appeared golden and very beautiful.

After this explosion, I just saw white smoke, and then a cloud-like sphere. Before we entered the darkness, we flew through the terminator, the twilight zone between day and night we flew eastwards, and when we entered the darkness of the Earth shadow, I could not them any longer.

The two spheres never returned- There have recently rarely been descriptions so vivid and detailed  - and many people who here Kovalyonoks story hold it up as a proof of UFO.

5. Toxic - In the mid-'90s Bob Curbeam took part in his first spacewalk as an astronaut. Unfortunately, disaster struck when a connector to a hose began to leak, spraying toxic ammonia all over him. He couldn't get back inside the space station covered in the stuff. He managed to stay calm and fix the leak - but he was still contaminated. 

He came up with a plan  - Ammonia has a low boiling point, so Bob decided to bake himself in the sunlight of space for an extra 30 minutes in order to vaporize the Ammonia off him. He had just to sit out there, in space , hoping that he got all the ammonia off that he  didn't poison the crew and himself back on the station. It was a success , his plan worked - but it was one of the most surreal and scary moments an astronaut could ever experience.

4.  In 2005, Astronaut Leroy Chaio was commander on the International Space station for over  6 months. He was once doing a spacewalk to repair some antennas when something caught his eye. He saw some lights that seemed to be in a line, almost like an upside down check mark.They flew right past him but his fellow astronaut didn't see become they were facing the other way.

When he described the sighting to those back on the ground, they dismissed it as a fishing boats hundreds of miles below him. Chiao himself has stated that he didn't  believe theres ever been any tangible evidence that someone else in visiting Earth or has done so in the past. 

He has simply told his story , and is leaving the explaining up to everyone else.

3. The Drifter - For some people, their biggest fear about space is the feeling of drifting away from the space station - unable to claw themselves back.
Well, Scott Parazynski may have had the closest experience to that he was performing a spacewalk when a jammed solar panel threatened the safety of the entire space station and the crew inside it. After 72 hours, Nasa came up with a plan.  Scott was told to travel further away from the safety of an airlock then ever been attempted 

He later said in an interview - There was a real danger that we could do even worse danger to the space station then there was the potential of risk to myself, because if there was any metal to metal connection with the solar panel or arcing, it could actually electrocute me or cause ignition of the 100% oxygen in my spacesuit-  the stakes were high but Scott succeeded. 

Disaster was averted - but Scotts heroics are still not known by many. 

2.  The secret transmission - In 1975, retired chief of NASA communications systems Maurice chatelain published his book our comic ancestors in it, he made an extraordinary claim about the first manned mission to the moon. 

He said - only moments before Armstrong stepped down the ladder to set foot on the moon, two UFO hovered overhead.  Edwin Aldrin took several pictures of them. Some of these photographs have been published in the June 1975 issue of Modern People Magazine this claim was linked to the story that there were two minutes of radio silence after Armstrong set foot on the moon. 

People said that the lost audio was him saying - These babies were huge, sir! Enomorous Oh god!
You wouldn't believe it! I am telling you there are other spacecraft out there... lined up on the far side of the creator edge!. They are on the moon watching us ! of course, all of his is speculation. An actual recording of this audio or the pictures has never been surfaced.

1.  The Green Bolt - Golden cooper was a well-known astronaut who flew on the Mercury 9 and Gemini5 missions. He was the last American to fly alone in Space. In 1962, he flew aboard the Mercury capsule for a  circumnavigational trio around the world. Everything seemed to be going Ok, then, on his final orbit, as he passed over Perth Australia he saw a green object swing towards him at an incredible speed. At first, he thought it was just figment of his imagination. 

There have been times where pilots and astronauts have seen objects like this but their equipment detects nothing. When he returned to earth he was eager to tell his side of the story but Gordon claims that he was approached by NBC reporters who told him they had been instructed to not to question him about the sighting. All of this has fanned the fire of a ufo sighting. 


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