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Concept of Warp Drive

Warp Drive 

Warp Drive - A technique in which an object or spaceship travels faster than the speed of light without consuming much fuel.
According to the Theory of Relativity - A body which has mass cannot travel with the speed of light and to travel with the speed of light, requires infinite energy. It seems that this theory applies to those objects which travel within the universe but not on the universe itself. 
In other words, we know that the universe is made right after the big bang about 13.7 billion years ago. If we assume that right after the big bang if our universe is expanding with the speed of light then today its diameter should not greater than 28 billion light years but according to researcher our Universe diameter is about approximately 93 billions light years, it simply means that the speed of expansion of our universe is greater than the speed of light, it means that barrier's of relativity is not applied on universe itself. 

It means that Universe can expand and also contract greater than the speed of light. It means if we expand the space behind the spacecraft and contracts the space present in front of the spacecraft then our spacecraft without even consuming energy and fuel then it is possible to cover the much larger distance in shorter time.

In this case, we only expand the space behind the spacecraft and contracts the space present between the spacecraft and the point of destination. while the spaceship remains safe inside a bubble in which the space-time remains constant. 

According to Time Dilation - As the object moves relative to the speed of light then the time for an object becomes less. But in the case of Warp drive Time dilation is not applicable because our spaceship does not travel with the speed of light but only contract and expands the space between them, in this case, time remains constant. 

If we talk about the compression of space, we know that it is possible According to Einstein, larger mass and energy compress the space-time but for warp drive, we require minimum to minimum mass equal to the mass of Jupiter. 

But the biggest problem is "How to expand the space?". For this, we require negative mass as we know that negative mass act oppositely to the positive mass. As we know that normally an object attracts toward the center of the earth but in case of negative mass earth center pushed away from its center. 

Although negative mass is possible at the technical level we can make negative mass at the quantum level but for warp drive, we require larger mass. It is possible that negative mass exists ( in larger amount ) somewhere in our universe in the form of exotic matter but it impossible to find because it has no effect on gravitational forces.

 Even if we get a negative mass but there are lots of problems we will face.
During traveling through warp drive it is not possible to communicate outside the bubble and the second one is that during journey lots of space junks are collected outside the bubble it means that even if we reach our destination and we make the space to its normal position then this space junks even destroy the planet. 

According to Stephan Hawking Chronology Protection Conjecture, For any unknown reasons Quantum mechanics always tries to stop the actions which try to break the casualty that why Stephan Hawking believes that time machine is not possible and in case of warp drive there is a possibility of quantum disaster.

Nasa has even made a warp drive but only at the quantum level with the use of positive mass. 


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