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Dark Matter and Dark energy

Dark Matter and Dark Energy 

Matter - Anything that occupies space and has some mass is known as Matter.
Dark Matter - is a hypothetical form of matter. Our Universe is made up less than 5% of visible matter like stars, planets, galaxy, everything we can see. And the matter we can't see is called dark matter and scientist think 95% of the universe is made up of dark matter and dark energy.

Dark Matter is the stuff that makes it possible for the galaxies to exist. when we calculated why the universe is structured the way it is!. It quickly became clear that there's just not enough normal matter. The Gravity of the visible matter is not strong enough to form galaxies and complexes structures.

Stars would more likely be scattered all over the place and not form galaxies. So, we know there is something else inside and around them. Something that doesn't reflect or emit, something that dark but besides being able to calculate the existence of dark matter, we can see it... kind of.

Places with the high concentration of dark matter bend light passing nearby.  So we know that something is there interacting with gravity. we know dark matter is not just clouds of normal matter without stars, because it could emit particles we detect. 

Dark matter is not an Antimatter because anti-matter produces unique gamma rays when it reacts with normal matter.

Probably, Dark matter is made of complicated exotic particle that doesn't interact with light and matter in a way we expect. And the Dark energy, we can't see it, firstly we can't detect it but with the progress in Engineering now it is possible to detect dark energy, and we see its effects.

The Idea of Dark Matter was proposed by Henry Poincare in 1906 then In 1933, Swiss astrophysicist Fritz Zwicky who studied galaxy clusters while working at the California Institute of Technology made a similar interference. Zwicky applied the virial theorem to the Coma Cluster and obtained evidence of unseen mass that he called Dunkle Materie (dark matter). In 1972 Vera Rubin provided strong evidence based on the calculations of the rotational velocity of Galaxy.

In 1929, Edward Hubble examined, "How the wavelength of light emitted by distant galaxies, shift towards the red end of the electromagnetic spectrum as it travels through space.?"

He found that fainter, more distant galaxies showed a large degree of redshift; closer galaxies, not so much. Hubble determined that this was because the Universe is still expanding, the redshift occurs because the wavelength of light is stretched as the Universe expands.

Recent studies have shown that the expansion of the universe is accelerating. Before that, it was thought that the expansion of the universe is due to the gravitational pull but space doesn't change its properties as it expands' there's just more of it.

Now, Space is constantly created everywhere and galaxies are a tight bound cluster of stuff which is held together by gravity so we don't experience this expansion in our daily life but see it everywhere around us.

Wherever there is empty space in the universe, more is forming every second. So, dark energy seems to be some kind of Energy intrinsic to empty space. The energy that is stronger than anything else we know and it keeps getting stronger day by day. Empty space has more energy than anything else in the Universe. It can generate more space and is quite active. so, as the universe expands it could be just more and more space appear to fill the gaps and this leads to a faster-expanding universe.


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