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String Theory

String Theory 

To understand the true nature of reality, we looked up at the things which were amazed- Wonderous landscapes in the dust, Zoos of bizarre creatures, complex proteins robots etc.

All of them made from the structure of molecules made up of countless even smaller things; atoms. We thought they were the final layer of reality until we smashed them together really hard and discovered things that can't be divided, anyone;
Elementary particles: But we had a problem with them. They are so small that we could not look at them. To see something, we need to light an electromagnetic wave. This wave hits the surface of the object and gets reflected from it to the eye and this is not the problem with most of the things.

But this particles is very very small so small that the electromagnetic waves we used to see are too big to touch them visible light just passes over them.

We can try to solve this by creating Electromagnetic waves of much smaller wavelength, But more wavelength means more energy. So when we touch a particle with a wave that has a lot of energy it alters it, by looking at the particle we changed it.

So, we can't measure elementary particle precisely. This fact is so important that it has a name: Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. The basis of all quantum physics.

So what does a particle look like then? What's its nature? We don't know?

If we look really hard, we can see a blurry sphere of influence, but not the particle themselves, we just know they exist.

But if that's the case how can we do any science with them.

We did what humans do and made a story; A mathematical fiction, The story of a point particle.
We decided that we would pretend that a particle is a point in space.
An electron is a point with a certain electric charge and a certain mass, All indistinguishable from each other.
This way physicists could define them and calculate all of their interactions. This is called Quantum Field Theory and solved a lot of problems. All of the standard models of particle physics is still built on it and it predicts lost of things very well ( Quarks, Leptons, Basons ).
Some quantum properties of the electron for eg have been tested and are accurate. So, while particles are not really points, by treating them as if they were.

Not only did this advance Science, but It also led to a lot of real-world technology we use every day. But there is a huge problem: Gravity In quantum mechanics, all physical forces are carried by certain particles.
But according to Einstein General theory of relativity gravity is not a force like others in the Universe. If the universe is the play, particles are the actor's gravity is the stage.

Gravity is a theory of geometry, the geometry of space-time itself of distances, which we need to describe with absolute precision but since there is no way to precisely measures things in the quantum world, Our story of gravity doesn't work with our story of quantum physics.

When Physicists tried to add gravity to the story by inventing a new particle, their mathematics broke down and this is a big problem.

If we could combine gravity with quantum physics and the standard model, we would have the theory of everything.

So, some people came up with a new story-  They asked what is more complex than a point A line or String.

What makes string theory so elegant is that it describes many different elementary particles as different modes of vibration of the strings.
Just like violin strings vibrating differently and can give you a lot of different notes, a string can give you different particles, Most importantly, this includes gravity.

String theory promised to unify all fundamental forces of the universe.
Strings theory quickly graduated to a possible theory of everything.
Unfortunately, String theory comes up with lots of complications.
Much of the maths involving a consistent string theory dies not work in our universe with it's three spatial and one temporal dimension. Strings theory requires 10 dimensions to work out.

So, string theorists did calculations in model universes and then try to get rid of the six additional dimensions and describe our own dimensions. But so far nobody has succeeded and no prediction o string theory has been proven in an experiment .

So, string theory did not reveal the nature of our universe with string theory we can try to answer some question about quantum gravity that has been puzzlings physicists for decades such as how black holes work or the information paradox.

String theory may point us in the right direction when used in the spirit, string theory becomes a precious tool for theoretical physicists and helps them discover new aspects of the quantum world and some beautiful mathematics.

So maybe the story of string theory is not the theory of everything.


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