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A wormhole is a theoretical passage through space-time that could create shortcuts for the long journey across the Universe. Wormholes are predicted by the theory of relativity.

For most of the human history we thought space was pretty simple; a big flat stage where the events of the universe unfold even if you take down the set of planets and stars, there's still something left. That empty stage is space and it exists, unchanging and eternal.

Einstein's theory of relativity changed that It says space and time make up that stage together, and they aren't the same everywhere. The things on the stage can affect the stage itself, stretching and warping it.  If the old stage like unmoving hardwood, Einstein's stage is more like a waterbed. This kind of elastic space can be bent and maybe even torn and patched together, which could make wormhole possible.

In 2d, our universe is like a big flat sheet, bent in just the right way wormhole could connect two very, very distant spots with a short bridge that you could cross almost instantaneously. Enabling you to travel the universe even faster than the speed of light.

General relativity says that they might be possible, but that doesn't mean they have to exist. General relativity is a mathematical theory, It is a set of equations that have many possible answers, but not all the maths describes reality. But they theoretically possible and there are different kinds.

The first kind of wormhole to be theorized were Einstein Rosen Bridges.

They described every black hole as a sort of a portal to an infinite parallel universe. Let us imagine in 2d, Empty spacetime is flat, but curved by objects on it. If we compress that objects, space-time gets more curved around it. Eventually, space-time becomes so warped that it has no choice but to collapse into a black hole.

A one way barrier forms: the event horizon, in which anything can enter, but nothing can escapes; trapped forever at the singularity at its core. But maybe there is no singularity here.

One possibility is that the other side of the event horizon looks a bit like our universe again but mirrored upside down, where time runs backward.

In our Universe things fall into the black hole, In a parallel universe, with backward time, the mirror black hole is spewing things out a bit like a big bang. This is called a white hole.

Unfortunately, Einstein Rosen Bridges can't actually be crossed. It takes an infinite amount of time to cross over to the opposite universe and they crimp shut in the middle. If you go into the black hole, you won't become stuff coming out of the white hole. You'll only become dead.

So, to travel the cosmos in the blink of an eye, humans need a different kind of wormhole; a traversable wormhole.

Very Old Strings Theory Wormholes  If strings theory or one of its variations is the correct description of our universe, then we could be lucky and our universe might even have a tangled web of countless wormhole already. Shortly after the Big Bang, Quantum Fluctuations in the universe at the smallest scales far smaller than an atom may have created many, many traversable wormholes. Threaded through them are strings, called cosmos strings.

In the first billionth of a trillionth of a second after the Big Bang, the ends of these tiny, tiny wormhole were pulled light years apart; scattering them through the universe. If wormholes were made in the early universe whether, with cosmos strings, or some other way, they could be all over; just waiting to be discovered.

One might even be closer than we realize.  From the outside Black holes and Wormholes can look very similar; leading some physicists to suggest the supermassive black holes in the center of the galaxies are actually wormholes.

It will be very hard to go all the way to the center of the Milky Way galaxy to find out though, but that's okay.

According to Theory of relativity, Wormholes exist in our universe but we couldn't find anyone, but according to theoretical physicists John Weeler, like a virtual particles wormholes is create's itself and destroy itself in the universe. According to Wheeler's theory, a wormhole might exist but they are so small that they cannot be detected easily.

Let us imagine that somehow we detect the black hole but we might not be able to travel through it because of its smaller size.

If we want to travel through wormholes we need to increase the size of the wormhole and for this, we need Exotic Matter.

Exotic matter is any kind of Non - Baryonic matter which are not made od Baryons, the subatomic particles. But the biggest problem is that Exotic matter only exist's in theories and we don't know how it is and where to find it........


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