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NASA shared weird pictures of 'Giant Space Pumpkin' spotted by Hubble, on Halloween


While people are celebrating Halloween, NASA released an astonishing picture of  'Giant Space Pumpkin' captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. 

While sharing the pictures of the 'Giant Space Pumpkin', NASA wrote, "Sorry Charlie Brown, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope is taking a peek at what might best be described as the "Greater Pumpkin".

This is a Hubble Space Telescope snapshot of the early stages of a collision between two galaxies that resembles a Halloween carved pumpkin. The "pumpkin's" glowing “eyes” are the bright, star-filled cores of each galaxy that contain supermassive black holes. An arm of newly forming stars give the imaginary pumpkin a wry smirk. The two galaxies, cataloged as NGC  2292 and NGC  2293, are located about 120 million light-years away in the constellation Canis Major.

The pumpkin’s face consists of two Aging Red Stars, which forms the eye, and gives the region of orange glow and a cracked blue smile. According to NASA, the whole view is nearly 109,000 light-years across, approximately the diameter of our Milky Way.
What’s look like a glowing eye and a crooked smile is actually a picture of early stages of the collision between two different galaxies which was identified as NGC  2292 and NGC  2293.
NASA also said that the ‘smile’ may be the process of the beginning of rebuild of the spiral arm. It is most likely to form by when interstellar dust began to merge between these two galaxies.
NASA informed that most of the time when two galaxies collide, they lose their typical flattened disk shape and the stars within each galaxy get scrambled into a new football-shaped space forming an elliptical galaxy.

NASA also added, "But this interacting pair is a very rare example of what may turn out to result in a bigger fried egg—the construction of a giant spiral galaxy. It may depend on the specific trajectory the colliding galaxy pair is following. The encounter scenario must be rare because there's only a handful of other examples in the universe." 


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